Maintaining a balanced and healthy diet during pregnancy is key to ensuring its correct development. Here are 5 foods you should avoid.

There are no foods that are strictly forbidden for pregnant women. However, some recommendations should be followed in order to prevent infections that could affect the health of both mother and baby. 

Listeria and toxoplasmosis are two of the most common diseases in pregnant women and can be transmitted from some foodstuffs. Here are 5 foods that are best to avoid during pregnancy:

1. Unpasteurised milk

During pregnancy, women are at increased risk of listeriosis, an infection caused by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. It is found in some contaminated foods and may cross the placenta and cause harm to the baby. Unpasteurised dairy products have not undergone this key process to destroy micro-organisms. Therefore, some yoghurts, creams, ice creams and white cheeses could contain this bacterium. We advise you to check the labelling of products and make sure they have been pasteurised.

2. Raw fish

The risk of fish containing parasites or bacteria is much higher in raw fish than in cooked fish. The parasite that has most affected people recently is anisaki, which lives in the digestive tract of fish.

The best way to avoid this type of infection is to exclude raw fish from the diet. If you are a sushi lover, you will need to be extra careful during pregnancy. Try not to eat small fish such as sardines or anchovies and also avoid smoked raw fish, pickles and carpaccios. However, the most effective method of eliminating anisaki larvae and eating fish as usually is to freeze it for about 72 hours before eating.

3. Raw eggs

Eggs are one of the most recommended protein-rich foods for muscle development. It is a versatile food that can be combined in many dishes and in many different ways. It is very important, especially during the nine months of gestation, that you eat them once they have been cooked. And the reason is quite simple: raw eggs can contain salmonella bacteria and transmit it to the human body, causing salmonellosis. This illness usually causes diarrhoea and fever. You should also avoid foods that contain raw eggs in their preparation, such as homemade mayonnaise or hollandaise sauce.

4. Raw meat

Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which can be found inside the cells of some animals and humans. The most common form of infection is through raw or undercooked meat. There is a real risk that this organism, once inside the pregnant woman's body, will penetrate the placenta and infect the foetus. When this happens, it is called congenital taxoplasmosis. The baby may suffer hearing loss and severe damage to the brain and eyes. Symptoms usually do not appear until several months after birth. So, if you cook or go to a restaurant and order meat, make sure it is well done.

5. Unwashed fruits and vegetables

Animal-derived foods are not the only ones to be aware of in order to avoid infection. Both fruit and vegetables can be contaminated by fertilisers, water, soil or storage methods. To reduce the chances of getting sick, it is important to wash them thoroughly. In the supermarket, try to buy the best-looking vegetables and, if you buy cut vegetables, make sure they have been stored properly. At home, wash your hands thoroughly before handling them and scrub them with a brush when you run water over them.


During pregnancy, it is also key that you intensify hygiene measures in the kitchen: always wash your hands before handling food and keep utensils disinfected at all times. 

We recommend that you seek advice from health professionals to control your weight during this process and that you follow a healthy and appetising diet. Finally, we advise you to read product labelling carefully for warnings and conditions of use.