We go into detail about the benefits and challenges of the two infant feeding alternatives.

One of the most important decisions parents have to make as the due date approaches is how to feed the baby. Two very clear alternatives are presented: breastfeeding with breast milk or bottle-feeding with infant milk. There is no doubt that both options are healthy. However, it is likely that you still have doubts and want to better understand the differences between the two options. In this post, we detail them to make it easier for you to decide.


Some organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) or the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) label this alternative as the best for feeding a baby. In addition, it is an experience that many mothers define as unique due to the emotional bond that is created during the first 6 or 12 months, which is the recommended period of lactation.

Benefits of breastfeeding for the baby

  • Breast milk contains a large amount of IgA-type antibodies, which are key so that babies contract fewer infections and have to be hospitalized only on very specific occasions. Antibodies strengthen their immune system, reducing the chances of suffering gastrointestinal pain, otitis or meningitis. In addition, breast milk protects little ones against asthma, diabetes and allergies.
  • Breast milk is very nutritious. It is made up of lactose, protein and fat, which are more than necessary nutrients for babies during the first months of life. It contains probiotic elements that facilitate intestinal flora and prevent diarrhoea.
  • Some studies conclude that breastfeeding has a positive effect on brain development and the cognitive abilities of those babies who ingest it.


Benefits of breastfeeding for the mother

  • Thanks to the suckling of the breasts by the newborn, the mother secretes oxytocin. This hormone is key for the uterus to contract in a healthy way during the postpartum period and to prevent bleeding.
  • Breastfeeding the baby is also an energy expenditure for the mother that helps to lose weight faster and recover the physical form prior to pregnancy.
  • As we have commented, the bond that is created between mother and child by giving breast milk is indescribable. It is a union that helps maternal well-being and, in fact, decreases the chances of suffering from postpartum depression.
  • In addition, it is a free resource that does not have to require bottles or other supplements that are needed for formula milk.


The challenges of breastfeeding

On the contrary, if there is something to object to this natural method of infant feeding, the discomfort it can cause must be mentioned. Not all mothers find breastfeeding techniques that are comfortable at first. Likewise, it demands time and dedication on the part of the mother and the schedules can be difficult to combine.



Breastfeeding with formula milk

There are circumstances in which the decision to opt for formula milk can or should be made. For example, if the babies are premature or have sucking difficulties or if breastfeeding becomes a very painful process. The mother's medication may not be compatible with breastfeeding or the production may be too low. Even returning to work can make it difficult to reconcile. Luckily, formula milk is a great option to replace breastfeeding and continue with a full life for both babies and mothers.

Benefits of breastfeeding with formula milk for the baby

  • There are infant milks that contain probiotics to help digest better and avoid gastrointestinal infections. They also have fats, vitamins and proteins that are essential for the baby.


Benefits of breastfeeding with formula milk for the mother

  • The presence of the mother when feeding the baby is no longer a necessity. Parents or other caregivers can play a much more important role and feel included in this process as well.
  • There is no possibility of injury or pain in the nipples, which is a reality for some mothers.
  • The frequency in which babies are fed with formula milk is lower than for breast milk. Babies will not need as many doses as this option takes longer to digest.
  • Finally, women who decide to feed through formula milk do not have to follow such a strict diet because it cannot affect the health of the baby.


The challenges of breastfeeding with formula milk

Formula feeding does not contain as many antibodies as natural feeding and, therefore, the baby will not be as protected against infections. In addition, preparation is needed to feed the baby: finding the ideal temperature, having the recommended amounts and having the necessary supplements. Finally, one must take into account the high price of formula milk.



What decision to make?

It may be that you are very clear about it or that this topic generates many doubts. The best thing you can do in case of indecision is to talk about it with your partner, ask mothers who have already gone through this situation and inform medical personnel. Each situation is different so look for an option that suits your needs. Do not stress because whatever you choose, you will be able to see your baby grow in a healthy way.



