Gloria works at a textile plant, where she is on her feet for about 8 hours daily. She has been suffering from circulation problems in her legs for several years. Some veins have become swollen, making it difficult for her to return blood to the heart. Trying the Antipress soft compression socks has significantly improved her well-being. She tells us about it.

How physically demanding is your work?

The fact that I am on my feet does not help my venous return, which is my big issue. I spend every hour of my working day on my feet. And at the end of the day, when I wasn't wearing the Antipress compression socks, my legs were red and I had a very strong tingling sensation in the legs.

Do you have varicose veins or spider veins on your legs?

I have small spider veins on my legs, indeed. Some of the veins get red from standing and poor circulation. They are mainly located from the knee downwards. But at the moment I don't have strong varicose veins.

What compression are you looking for?

As my situation is not alarming either and I don't have severe varicose veins, I already feel much better with light compression. I've tried some moderate and high compression but it's not what I need and I don't feel so good.



What remedies do you use apart from compression socks?

I take pills every morning to improve my circulation. They were prescribed by my doctor. I also take cold showers and apply creams on my legs which are good for circulation.

Did you have any doubts about the compression socks before you tried them?

Before using compression socks I thought they would be very uncomfortable and that it would be unbearable to wear them because of the pressure they would put on me. I also thought they would make me too hot. But the truth is that it's really nice to wear them. They save you the fatigue of hours of walking and standing upright.

How do you feel with your Antipress socks?

Trying them has been a fantastic discovery. When I wear them I feel great. At the end of the day, I feel tired but my legs don't feel swollen or tingly. Their compression is very tolerable. They don't make me feel hot either. I think the fabric is breathable and, unlike the others I have, it makes me feel much cooler. At no time do I think that I have to take them off to feel better or more liberated.



How long do you wear them?

Since I started wearing them, I wear them throughout the working day. I take them off when I go out in the street if I'm wearing shorts. But if I'm wearing long trousers, I wear them until the end of the day.

Is it easy to put them on?

You have to get used to it because the first few times it's hard to get the foot part in. But that's normal. After a few days, I didn't have any problems fitting them.