Stretch marks often appear during pregnancy. We explain why they form, the areas most prone to stretch marks and 9 tips to prevent them.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are irregular stripes on the skin that appear when the skin is stretched. They usually form in reddish or whitish parallel lines and can be compared to the appearance of a scar.

Why do I get stretch marks during pregnancy?

Stretch marks appear when the skin stretches too much in a short time. When this happens, elastin and collagen, which are elastic fibres in the innermost layer of the skin, break down. This breakage of fibres causes the scars we know as stretch marks.

Pregnancy is a situation that makes it much easier for stretch marks to appear. On the one hand, the baby's growth causes the abdomen to increase in volume in just a few months and, therefore, the skin undergoes abrupt stretching. In addition, during pregnancy, the skin is drier and more fragile due to hormonal changes and the increase in oestrogen. They usually appear from the second trimester onwards and the risk is multiplied if the pregnancy is multiple or if the foetus has a considerable weight.

Stretch marks are much more common in women. And the genetic factor is also relevant. Another stage in which stretch marks appear is during puberty, as the accelerated growth during adolescence means that the skin cannot replenish as much collagen. Weight gain or weight loss in a short period of time is also one of the causes that is difficult to avoid.

Where do stretch marks appear in pregnancy?

The parts of the body that grow the most during pregnancy are the most prone to stretch marks. The first of these is the abdomen, which increases in size, especially from the second trimester onwards. Stretch marks also appear on the breasts due to their rapid growth in volume. To a lesser extent, the buttocks and thighs are also areas where stretch marks can occur.

Tips for preventing stretch marks in pregnancy

Although there is an increased risk of stretch marks during pregnancy, there are some things you can do to prevent them:

  • Hydrate well. It is important that your skin is properly hydrated from the inside out. It is highly recommended to drink two litres of water a day, which you can combine with herbal teas or natural juices. Here are some more tips on how to stay well hydrated.
  • Control your weight. The growth of the uterus after 12 weeks is inevitable. This will increase the risk of stretch marks. But it's crucial that you keep your weight in balance with the stage of pregnancy because putting on a few extra pounds will increase the risk of stretch marks.
  • Maintain a balanced diet. Eat healthy foods high in vitamins C and E. Citrus fruits provide vitamin C to stimulate collagen production. And plant-based grains or seeds will help protect your skin from ageing.
  • Exercise. Toning muscles is key to skin elasticity. Both swimming and yoga are highly recommended sports for pregnancy.
  • Get plenty of rest. Try to sleep at least 8 hours a day. A good night's sleep will help you produce more collagen.
  • Cover your skin from sun exposure. Excessive sunbathing can be harmful to your skin because if it dries out, stretch marks are more likely to appear. Also, if you already have stretch marks, sun exposure can make them more pronounced. Protect yourself with sunscreen at all times.
  • Moisturise your skin. To combat dry skin, you can apply special creams or oils to prevent stretch marks. They nourish the skin and promote collagen formation.
    Massage prone areas. This will help to improve blood circulation. As a result, your skin will gain elasticity. It is recommended to do this daily on the breasts and abdomen while applying moisturiser.
  • Dress appropriately. Wearing panties that cover your tummy can help support the load and prevent the skin from stretching too much. Antipress maternity knickers are ideal for supporting the tummy without compressing.

What can I do if I already have stretch marks?

If your stretch marks are reddish in colour, it means that they are still at an early stage. This is the best time to apply stretch mark products. There are effective concealers that can be applied a couple of times a day. Please note that they must be suitable for pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Stretch marks that are already white are more difficult to remove. The use of exfoliating scrubs is often insufficient. However, you can talk to a beautician or dermatologist to discuss treatments such as carboxytherapy, laser or microdermabrasion in more detail.

The reality is that the likelihood of stretch marks appearing during pregnancy is very high. It is said that around 90% of pregnant women suffer from it. So you can talk to women who have experienced it because they can also help you. It is normal that over time, the scars left by stretch marks will soften.