We give you tips to recover muscle tone properly.

Postpartum is the period in which the body needs to recover from the situation prior to pregnancy. It is a stage that requires time and perseverance in habits to recover the previous muscle tone. In fact, most mothers return to their usual weight between 6 and 12 months after giving birth. It is basic not to take it in a hurry. In this post, we tell you the reasons why it is difficult to return to normality and we give you tips to get rid of your postpartum belly quickly and consciously.

Why does it take time to get rid of the postpartum belly?

During the first days after childbirth, mothers notice a soft belly, without strength and as if everything was falling. Flaccidity is inevitable and it takes a few weeks to make efforts with the abdominal muscles again. This happens because during pregnancy these muscles have adapted to the growth of the fetus and have lost elasticity.

In addition, abdominal volume is not significantly reduced until the uterus has fully contracted. Uterine involution can take up to four weeks and can lead to postpartum contractions, which tend to cause more pain in new mothers and are accentuated when the baby is breastfed.

There are many factors that can determine the exact time to lose the belly after childbirth: genetics, the type of delivery, the constancy in physical activity, the size of the normal body or the weight that was gained in pregnancy. The reality is that it is not an exact science and that it will depend on each case. There are women who in 6 months have already recovered their body as it was before pregnancy, but others who at 9 months still do not see the expected results. We assure you that the key is to be patient and follow the advice that we are going to give you below.

Keep in mind that stretch marks and the vertical line on the abdomen during pregnancy can take up to a year to disappear.


Tips for a flat postpartum belly

The first suggestion to recover the belly after childbirth is to breastfeed the baby. Doing so stimulates the release of oxytocin. This is a very useful hormone that helps contract the uterus, expel the placenta and even reduce postpartum bleeding. Breastfeeding the baby strengthens the bond between mother and child and is the healthiest and most practical method of child feeding that exists.

Another critical aspect to recover the figure after childbirth is physical activity, to tone the abdomen. First of all, you have to give importance to the pelvic floor so that the muscles return to their place. Doing Kegel exercises is one of the most recommended solutions to achieve this. Strengthening your glutes should also be one of your priorities because it will help your pelvis settle into its natural position. You can do it through sets of squats or by climbing stairs. We also recommend that a professional assess your case to find out if hypopressive exercise routines are right for you to gain strength and recover your postpartum belly. In many cases, they have helped mothers to increase flexibility, improve posture and successfully recover abdominal tone.

Finally, it is essential to follow a balanced and healthy diet to lose the belly after childbirth. Stress and hormonal changes may tempt you to eat ultra-processed foods with lots of sugar, but it is really important to avoid them postpartum. Prioritize real food and make sure you get the necessary doses of magnesium, folic acid, iron and calcium.


Are there garments to reduce the postpartum belly?

It is not scientifically proven that postpartum girdles are effective in returning the belly to its natural state faster. However, girdles and briefs that retain the abdomen can help feel firm and avoid the feeling that everything hangs. It is essential that the garment you wear has few or no seams to avoid any type of chafing. In case you have a caesarean section wound, bear that in mind.


l posparto es el periodo en el que el organismo necesita recuperar la situación previa al embarazo. Es una etapa que requiere tiempo y constancia en los hábitos para recuperar el tono muscular previo. De hecho, la mayoría de las madres vuelven al peso habitual entre 6 y 12 meses después del parto. Es básico no tomárselo con prisa. En este post te indicamos las razones por las cuales es difícil volver a la normalidad y te damos consejos para perder la barriga posparto rápida y conscientemente.



