We explain to you the life cycle of hair and how it changes during pregnancy and postpartum.

One of the many changes that are experienced during the nine months of pregnancy has to do with hair. It is likely that you have noticed that it has increased in thickness and that it grows faster than before. This is entirely normal. However, you should know that postpartum is very different and hair loss is a situation that many mothers experience. Do not be alarmed because it is something very common, but if you are interested in knowing more, in this post we are going to explain the reasons why this happens and we will give you tips to prevent hair loss.

First of all, it is important to know that the life cycle of our hair consists of three phases. The first of these is the growth phase, also known as the anagen phase. It is followed by the catagen stage, in which hair growth is terminated. And finally, the telogen phase is experienced, in which the hair is considered to be dead and can fall out at any time.

Hair during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the telogen phase is delayed and the number of hairs that fall out is reduced, which induces a greater density of hair. The reason? The presence of hormones causes the alteration of the hair follicles, making the hair stay longer in the growth phase.

Likewise, the diameter of the hair also increases in the gestation period. In other words, the thickness of the hair in pregnant women is greater than the thickness of those who are not. Both alterations can make you feel more consistent hair.

Why does my hair fall out after childbirth?

After delivery, you may notice more hair loss than usual. It may seem like too much loss, but it only represents the removal of additional hairs that had remained in the anagen phase and had not been lost during the pregnancy. In the postpartum period, the hormonal levels return to normal and this causes the hairs that had remained at rest during the pregnancy to end up falling out. This disruption of the hair life cycle is also known as telogen effluvium, which can also occur in menopausal women.

How long can my hair fall during postpartum?

Clinical observations state that hair loss is experienced between two and four months after delivery. In some cases, it can persist for up to six months but it is not the most common. We insist that it does not have to cause you panic because it is a condition that all women who have been mothers go through.

Tips to prevent postpartum hair loss

This physiological change does not require treatment but asks for patience until it is over. It is difficult to avoid but it is very unlikely that your appearance will be affected by telogen effluvium. However, if you experience significant hair loss, you can always discuss it with your medical staff to better study the situation. Here are 5 hair strengthening tips to help keep it healthy and strong:

  • Healthy and balanced diet. Make sure that your diet provides you with all the vitamins and minerals because it directly affects the health of the hair. Eat foods high in protein, healthy fats, and plenty of iron.
  • Use high-quality shampoo. Do not skimp on care products such as shampoo because they are key to keeping your hair hydrated.
  • Get hair massages. Thanks to them you can improve circulation and keep the follicles in good condition. Try doing it at night, with your fingertips and very gently.
  • Brush your hair carefully. It is also important that you use brushes or combs that do not pull on the hair.
  • Avoid aggressive processes. If you can avoid the use of dyes during pregnancy, the better. You can try the wicks, which is a more respectful technique with the hair.

Finally, we must disprove one of the most famous myths about postpartum hair loss. Does breastfeeding cause hair loss? The answer is no. Breastfeeding the baby with breast milk does not have a negative effect on the health of the mother's hair.


