It is inevitable that your pregnancy coincides with weeks of lots of sun and heat. Don't worry, you can go to the beach and expose your belly. But you have to take some important precautions so you do not endanger your own health or the baby.


Benefits of sunbathing while pregnant

In the right measure, sunbathing can be beneficial during pregnancy. In fact, during the autumn and winter months, it is usual that our vitamin D levels do not reach the indicated ones. In spring and summer, on the other hand, the weather is good and there is time to do outdoor activities and sunbathe many times so that we generate more vitamin D. It is said that 90% comes from the sun and the remaining 10% of the food we eat (fresh tuna or sardines are some of the foods with the highest content of vitamin D).

Spending hours in the sun in a controlled way during the nine months can provide you with sufficient levels of vitamin D to:

  • Prevent preeclampsia.
  • Prevent gestational diabetes.
  • Promote the bone development of the baby.

Risks of sunbathing too much during pregnancy

Although the sun can help you generate vitamin D, it is important not to abuse it. Being too long tanning has its risks:

  • Heat stroke: The thermoregulatory capacity of pregnant women is worse than usual and therefore, with the increase in temperatures, they can suffer heat stroke. These situations can cause premature births, among other consequences such as the low weight of the baby at the time of delivery.
  • Sunburns: Your volume of melanin in the skin will make you more or less prone to this problem. People who have suffered severe burns are more likely to develop skin cancer. They can also lead to fever, fatigue and infections in the burned areas.
  • Chloasma or gestational melasma: This is a set of spots that appear on the face of pregnant women due to hormonal and genetic changes. Sun exposure stimulates the creation of melanin and, consequently, chloasma is more likely to occur.

Precautions when sunbathing pregnant

Keep in mind the following aspects to avoid any scare and enjoy the sun correctly during your pregnancy:

  • Do not exceed 40 minutes at a time. On hot days it is better that you have shady places nearby to take shelter in them. Exceeding 30 or 40 minutes of sun a time if you are pregnant is already considered too much.
  • Hydrate properly. In this post, we talk about the importance of good hydration during pregnancy. But on sunny days you have to be even more cautious. Carry a bottle of water with you to refresh yourself at all times. Keep in mind that your body temperature is higher when you are pregnant.
  • Avoid stretching completely. When you enter the last trimester you have to watch the positions you do with the belly. It is more advisable to sunbathe sitting in a chair or even do it on a walk or standing up to avoid positions in which some veins can be pressed.
  • Protect yourself with hats and sunscreen. The sun is one of the factors that can cause gestational chloasma, a situation in which dark spots appear on the face but that is not a health concern. Prevent solar radiation from hitting your face directly and don't skimp on sunscreen. In the next point, we go into more detail. The use of sunglasses is also advisable.
  • Wear comfortable maternity clothes. When you have been exposed to the sun for enough time, it is best to cover your belly with comfortable and breathable clothing to easily wick away sweat. The Antipress maternity briefs fulfil this function.
  • Try not to go out in the early afternoon. From 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. the level of ultraviolet radiation is higher than during the rest of the day because that is when the sun is at its highest point. Take advantage before or after this strip to sunbathe longer.
  • Bathe by gradually entering the water. Soaking your legs and body in seawater or in a pool will stimulate your blood circulation. Do not hesitate to do it as long as you enter the water little by little.


What sun protection to use during pregnancy?

Sunscreens are essential on days when you are going to spend hours outside, especially in summer. Creams contain chemical components that protect the skin by filtering ultraviolet light.

The sun protection factor (SPF) is the indicator that you should check when you buy your sun cream. It is recommended that you use at least an SPF of 30. If you are going to be exposed to the sun for a long time and your skin tone is not too dark, it is best to opt for an SPF of 50.

You need to apply the lotion about 30 minutes before sun exposure. And if you bathe or sweat you have to cover your body with cream again. It is said that 30 grams should be used for the entire body of an average-sized adult. However, the reality is that a large part of the population applies less than the recommended amount.

Can I use self-tanner while pregnant? Self-tanners are a solution to pick up colour quickly. They can be used as long as they are not substituted for sunscreen since they do not protect against ultraviolet radiation exposure.

Are UVA rays and pregnancy compatible? There are not enough studies to ensure that the consequences of UVA rays are negative for the development of the fetus during pregnancy. Even so, our recommendation is to avoid them during the nine months due to the ease with which the aforementioned skin spots can be caused. Remember to talk to your doctor whenever you have questions.