We tell you why gestational itching happens and the best ways to prevent it.

If you're pregnant and have recently noticed an itchy tummy, you're not alone. This problem, also known as gestational itching, is very common during the second half of pregnancy and, although it's annoying, you shouldn't worry too much about it. Here's what causes it and the best ways to prevent and relieve it.

Why does it happen?

The main reason for itching in the abdomen, as with the breasts, is the stretching of the skin. As pregnancy progresses, with the growth of the uterus, the skin expands very significantly. In fact, it is said that it can stretch up to 10 times its initial size during the gestation period. When this happens, the skin often lacks moisture and dries out. As a result, you feel the itching that has probably been bothering you lately.

Another reason for an itchy belly during pregnancy is the production of hormones, which can disrupt the normal flow of bile and cause this sensation when bile salts travel through the bloodstream.

How can you prevent it?

There are some steps you can take to prevent the onset of gestational pruritus. Despite having any symptoms, try to apply the following tips in your day-to-day life. They will help you for sure:

  • Moisturise your skin.
    It is essential that you keep your skin hydrated by eating well and drinking plenty of fluids. You can apply moisturising creams to your abdominal area once a day.
  • Don't take showers with very hot water.
    Water that is hotter than 37 degrees dries out the skin and can have a negative effect on sensitive skin. Try to shower with warm water to avoid this. This will also improve circulation and reduce the likelihood of spider veins. It is also important that, once you get out of the shower, you should dry yourself with thin towels that cannot irritate your skin.
  • Dress loosely.
    Tight-fitting clothes can cause increased itching due to rubbing against the skin. Try to wear loose-fitting clothes made of natural fibres such as cotton.
  • Avoid excessive heat.
    Don't stay too long in hot or humid places. Sweating can irritate the skin and cause itching.
  • Don't scratch.
    Easy to say, isn't it? Even if it soothes just when you're itching, it can cause injury later. 
  • Use emollient soaps.
    Try itchy bath gels instead of everyday soaps. 


How to relieve it?

If you still notice an itchy belly during pregnancy, you can get quick relief with some of the other tips we'll discuss below. It is very important to avoid scratching when you think you need it most. It's not the best solution - far from it. Keep the following in mind:

  • Apply wet compresses.
    The quickest and most effective solution. It cools your abdomen and you will stop feeling the need to itch for a long time.
  • Massage your abdomen with oatmeal creams.
    There are many creams that can help reduce itching. In addition to oatmeal creams, calamine ointments are also one of the most common solutions.


When to see a doctor?

In case the measures described above are not enough to soothe the annoying sensation, you should consult your doctor. It is important to make sure that you are not suffering from intrahepatic cholestasis, which usually appears during the last trimester. Its symptoms are as follows:

  • Itching of the palms of the hands and feet
  • Yellowish skin
  • Nausea
  • Loss of appetite

Keep in mind that gestational itching occurs in many mothers and does not have to be a cause for concern. After delivery, the itching disappears completely.

