Judit Abarca, on Instagram @judit.coach, is a mother of twins. She has relied on Antipress maternity briefs during the last trimester of pregnancy to take care of her tummy and feel good every day.

Judit is a fitness trainer for both athletes and the general population. At Antipress we have helped her to make her training sessions and rest times pleasant despite her changing body and the constant growth of her belly.



The sensations were these:

"The briefs have adapted perfectly with the increase in the size of the belly. At no time did I feel any compression, they were very comfortable to wear. They have been the briefs that I have used the most during the last trimester: during training, at night,...".



Before and after giving birth:

"I've worn them 24/7. I had a pair of them and when I put one on, the others were being washed for the next day. For me they have been a success. I've even worn them postpartum".