We explain to you the best ways to keep your legs smooth and soft. The following tips will also be useful for other areas, such as the underarms and groin.

Shaving is almost always a boring thing to do. And we can assure you that during pregnancy it's going to be even more tiring. When your belly grows considerably, from the third or fourth month onwards, it will be more difficult to bend down and reach all the areas as before. But don't worry, we explain to you the best ways to keep your legs smooth and soft. The following tips will also be useful for other areas, such as the underarms and groin.

Which hair removal methods should I avoid?


There are no studies that confirm that laser hair removal is harmful to the health of the foetus. In fact, this technique penetrates a maximum of five centimetres into the skin. So we can think that it is unlikely to complicate the growth of the baby. However, there is no evidence to indicate that this method does not affect the development of the baby. And that is why we recommend not using laser depilation during the pregnancy phase.

In addition, during the nine months, you are going to experience hormonal alterations. Your oestrogen production will increase considerably. And this will have an impact on your hair growth, causing irregularities in its appearance. Therefore, it is not possible to be sure that the result of laser hair removal will be completely effective. As Dr Nazarian points out in an article, hormonal disturbances also increase the risk of skin burns in this method of hair removal.

The same expert assures that three months after childbirth, hormone levels have already normalised and, therefore, this is the recommended time to resume laser hair removal sessions.    

Hot wax

During pregnancy, the skin is much more sensitive. More blood flows through the veins and there is a greater risk of circulatory problems. The application of hot wax on the legs or any other part of the body can facilitate the appearance of varicose veins or even the fissure of a blood vessel, as this substance at high temperature favours its dilation. If you use this method of hair removal during the summer, avoid exposing yourself to the sun for two or three days after using it to prevent sunburn and the appearance of spots on your skin.


What hair removal methods can I use?

Depilatory cream

This system is the favourite one for many women, largely because it does not put pressure on the skin. It avoids the typical pulling of waxing.

On the other hand, its components have caused skin reactions in some of its users. For this reason, it is only recommended to use on areas such as the legs, underarms and the outer groin. It is best to avoid using them on the genitals or on the face. One of the tips we can give you is to follow the manufacturer's instructions and directions, to test it on a small area of your body first and to do so in a ventilated area so that you do not inhale the cream directly.

Razor blade

This is undoubtedly one of the most effective solutions for removing hair at the skin level. It is a quick and affordable method for all pregnant women. There are even specific blades to better adapt to the groin or underarms. 

As you know, if you want to keep your skin smooth and hair-free, you have to be very consistent with this method. You'll have to blade the same area frequently because the hair seems to grow harder and faster. Please note that to avoid any cuts, you should properly protect your skin with shaving foams or gels before using the razors or blades.

Electric epilator

If you're looking for a more hassle-free alternative that will eliminate more hairs than razors, you can opt for an electric epilator. The hairs take longer to grow and many brands already offer heads for certain sensitive areas of the body. 

The only thing to bear in mind is that some pregnant women find it quite painful, especially in the beginning. If you find your brand and your pain threshold is not too high, this solution will probably win you over. Electric epilators are already on sale for just over €20.

Cold wax

If we have said that hot waxing during pregnancy is not recommended due to the high risk of circulatory complications, cold waxing is an advisable option. It is an effective method, which delays hair growth much more than in the case of the blade.

In any case, it is necessary to wait until it has grown about 2 millimetres before depilation. It is very important to be careful with the pull when removing the hair removal strips, as there is still a risk of damaging the skin or a vein wall.


So don't hesitate and rule out laser hair removal and hot waxing during pregnancy. Consider removing hair with depilatory cream, blades, electric epilators or cold wax.

As for pubic hair, don't get obsessed. If it doesn't bother you when you give birth, the midwives won't even have to remove it. However, if you intend to wax this area during pregnancy, we recommend that you squat down and use a non-slip mat. Also, use a mirror to see clearly and avoid possible cuts.