Compression socks in bed. Good or bad? We give you the answer in this post. 

Compression socks are garments of great help for people with circulatory problems in the legs. The pain and heaviness caused by varicose veins or spider veins are calmed and prevented thanks to its gradual compression, which presses the damaged veins and arteries. This way, the internal valves can do their job correctly and thus send deoxygenated blood back to the heart.

Although there are a large number of people who already use them, it is not entirely clear if it is advisable to continue wearing them at night. From Antipress we are going to help you solve this doubt.


Compression socks in bed. Good or bad?

Wearing compression stockings to sleep is not prohibited. In fact, you can even use them 24 hours a day if they are comfortable for you and you notice benefits. However, you shouldn't wear the same socks all day. You need to wash your legs at least once a day to avoid possible skin-related problems. It is a hygienic measure that you must comply with.

Keep in mind that compression socks do not help much when we are lying down. The venous valves do not suffer as much as when we remain standing. Its function is effective when fighting the force of gravity by compressing the veins when standing. So the added value offered by compression socks is not so noticeable when sleeping.

You must make the decision based on your experience and your degree of pain. And make sure your doctor is aware of this, as he will have seen many other patients with problems similar to those in your legs.


When is it recommended to wear compression socks to sleep?

Although compression garments are generally designed for daytime use, there are specific situations where it is advisable to use them at night as well:

  • Ulcers
    Varicose ulcers often cause cramping, pain, and a feeling of heaviness in the legs. They appear due to venous hypertension caused by veins with damaged valves. They are treated with compression, rest and local cures do not always prevent the ulcer from coming back in the future.
  • Thrombosis
    Deep vein thrombosis is a disease in which blood clots inside the veins. This clot can move and eventually cause an embolism. The main symptoms are local pain and heaviness in the affected leg. Compression from stockings is one of the most recommended preventive measures to improve venous return.