Are you pregnant and not sure if you can travel? There are several aspects that you must take into account to make a decision. We help you by answering some of the most important questions.


Being pregnant and travelling are not incompatible. However, you have to prioritize your health and the baby to avoid any risk. It is not the same to go on vacation during the first trimester of pregnancy when you are likely to be nauseated or vomit as to go on vacation during the second trimester. Nor is a five-hour bus trip the same as doing the same journey on a high-speed train. Let's see the points that definitely you should put on the table before moving to another city or another country.

Is it safe to travel if I am pregnant?

We distinguish three phases that will help you understand when it is best to travel during pregnancy: first trimester, second trimester and third trimester. With that being said, we always recommend talking to your doctor and listening to yourself.

Can I travel pregnant in the first trimester? During the first 12 weeks, you may have to deal with nausea. This is why there are three months where it is recommended to avoid long trips. Changes in hormone levels cause this to happen and you will have to get used to it. Try not to commit to long journeys during this phase and if there is no turning back, hydrate yourself well and do not eat copious meals.

Can I travel during the second trimester if I am pregnant? This phase is, without a doubt, the best for a short vacation getaway or even a business trip. Nausea starts to go away and you will feel much better and have more energy. Keep in mind, however, that your belly will feel heavier and heavier and you will need to be very generous with the hours of rest.

Is it safe to travel during the third trimester of pregnancy? From week 28 approximately you will enter the last stage full of emotions. Your belly will get bigger and bigger and you will have very tiring and nervous days. Don't worry, everything is normal. But, especially after week 34, forget about travelling. It's not safe to travel so far along in your pregnancy because of the possibility of preterm labour.

What means of transportation is best if I am pregnant?

If you feel confident about making the trip, ask yourself what is the best way to get to the destination. This is one of the most common and most important questions to ask in this situation. Everything will depend on how far you travel and the level of communication the place from which you are going to start the route may have.

Is it safe to travel by plane during pregnancy? Air transport is one of the safest means of transport if we compare the levels of accidents with the other options. And there is no risk to you or the baby if you use it while travelling pregnant. Even so, it is not the most advisable alternative if what you want is to travel comfortably. There is usually little space and this makes it difficult to change position. It is highly recommended to reserve seats that are next to the aisle so that you can walk down every few minutes.

Can I travel by train pregnant? The train is always the most suitable vehicle to make trips during the gestation period. Unlike the plane, this form of transport usually offers much more space to the traveller. There are wider corridors and access to the bathroom is also easier. If the train is a short distance, you will probably notice the rattle. But in long-duration trains, it is not noticeable. If the trip has the possibility to be made by both train and plane, don't hesitate. Go by train.

Is it advisable to go by car if I am pregnant? On short journeys, the car will continue to be your best ally. It is important that you do not drive if you are not feeling well or if you are already 34 weeks pregnant or longer. So lean on people who can let you go as a passenger and let you go out to stretch your legs every two hours or so. The bus, on the other hand, has little space and is not recommended at all.

Is it a good option to travel by boat during pregnancy? The dimensions of the boat in which you plan to board will determine your comfort during the journey. There is usually a lot of space both to rest and to walk quietly, but there is not so good access to the bathrooms. We would not place it as an appropriate means of transport if you are pregnant and want to travel due to the possibility of dizziness and nausea. The swaying of the waves can bother you a lot during the day.

Where to travel if I am pregnant?

If you have a week of vacation while you are pregnant and you can choose the destination, we advise you to look for sites with these characteristics:

  • Look for cities without crowds. Urban nuclides in some capitals can be very stressful. You will have to use a lot of public transport and you will notice fatigue quickly.
  • Look for places that are not too hot. With pregnancy, you will notice a higher body temperature. If you have to spend many hours in the sun you will feel tired and there will be a risk of uterine contractions.
  • Find nearby destinations. It is a perfect time to visit charming towns not too far away. If you can avoid journeys of many hours, your body will thank you.
  • Find places where you can rest. If your hotel has a swimming pool, you can relax by swimming, one of the most recommended sports during pregnancy. Make sure you have a quiet room to fall asleep easily.


Other basic tips for travelling during pregnancy:

  • Take a first aid kit with you. The doctor will have prescribed some medications that you better have close. Also, add a sun cream.
  • Dress comfortably. Underwear will greatly influence your comfort during the trip. Antipress briefs are a great option for your lower back to be properly supported. In addition, its breathable fabric will help you transport sweat to the outside.
  • Stay hydrated and eat. It is basic that you drink plenty of bottled water at all times. And it is also advisable to eat food about five times a day in not very large quantities. Pasta, fruit, vegetable or legume salads are always good options.
  • Keep your documentation up to date. Consult with your doctor about the essential things you need to bring in case you need to go to a doctor wherever you travel. In addition, medical and travel insurances are more important than ever.