Doing physical activity during pregnancy is healthy and very necessary both physically and mentally. Still, there are some sports that you need to avoid during this period. We tell you about them.

Exercise before, during or after pregnancy is one of the best ways to tone the body, strengthen muscles, regulate blood pressure and reduce stress. It is more than recommended that you play sports during the nine months that you are going to have the baby in your womb. But as the weeks go by you will feel heavier and you will not be able to demand as much as before. If there are some sports indicated for this period, there are also those that have a higher risk and you should avoid:



Football is one of the disciplines that is becoming more popular in the female field in recent years. But it is not the safest option during pregnancy. Since it is a contact sport in which there are constant clashes between players, there is a clear risk that your abdominal part receives impacts. If you ask yourself “Can I play soccer during pregnancy?” the answer is no.


Much like football, basketball is also an activity full of impacts. In addition, the ball is heavy and can hit your belly. You shouldn't play basketball if you're pregnant.

Martial arts (Boxing, judo, fencing,...)

Sports where the objective is to subdue another person thanks to specific combat techniques are completely avoidable. During the first months of pregnancy, you can train techniques but never commit to any combat not to put the growing fetus at risk.


Another contact sport that you cannot practice if you are pregnant is rugby. Blockages and scrums can cause abdominal trauma and harm the baby.

Scuba diving

It is common for mothers who are passionate about this type of immersive activity to continue doing it during the first weeks of pregnancy when they are not even aware that they are expecting children. And nothing happens. However, you must be clear that scuba diving is a dispensable sport during the nine months. Hyperbaric air is breathed during dives and it is said that it could harm the fetus. In addition, at the time of decompression, bubbles can be created in the placenta and make it difficult for oxygen to enter. Also, it is very likely that at some point you have suffered nausea, vomiting or cramps. Suffering it in the water is not fun.


If you are not an expert, it is better that you decide not to surf during pregnancy, especially in the last trimester. It is one of the sports that easily can cause abdominal trauma due to its technical difficulty. Falling is part of the game. If you are not new to this sport and have checked with your doctor, try to stay on your knees on top of the board when you paddle so you don't lie face down. The best thing you can do is practice it on days when there are no aggressive waves and we advise you to have someone you trust watching over you. Be prudent and do not demand yourself more than necessary.

Ski or Snowboard

It's winter and the slopes are open. You wonder "Can I ski or snowboard during pregnancy?" We are sorry to advise you that these two sports should be quickly discarded. The great risk of falling makes it completely unsafe for the correct growth of the baby. These are activities that can also cause injuries and thus create great discomfort during the weeks prior to delivery. As always, be aware of your level and talk to your doctor to make your final decision.

Rhythmic gymnastics

This discipline, at a high level, is full of technical movements of risk if you are pregnant. It is characterized by the jumps, turns and balances that you will have to postpone until the moment you feel better, after the delivery of the baby. The most prudent thing is to avoid positions with the risk of unbalancing yourself.

Horse riding

It is not advisable for you to do horse riding during pregnancy. Take advantage of the first 12 weeks to do circuits without obstacles but forget about the horse from then on. It is too dangerous to keep doing it because any fall could harm the baby.