Conditions of purchase

Shipping and deliveries

Orders will be delivered to the address that the user indicates in the order form, giving the option of delivering to another address (workplace, relatives...) Orders will be delivered in perfect condition. ANTIPRESS will not be responsible for errors caused in delivery when the address entered by the user in the order form does not match reality or has been omitted.

Delivery Period

The deadline for deliveries will vary depending on the time required to prepare the order and the place of delivery of the merchandise.

It must be taken into account that the procedure during this time is as follows: Confirmation of the payment of the order, preparation and shipment through the Parcel Service. Our goal is that within a maximum period of 6 to 8 days it should have been delivered to the indicated address, although most deliveries are usually delivered in less than 4 working days (Canary Islands, Ceuta or Melilla may require periods of up to 14 days). ).

These terms are approximate and therefore may vary for logistical reasons or force majeure. In the event of delays in the delivery of the order, the user may check the status of their order by sending an email to:< /p>

Delivery incidents

If the user is absent at the time of delivery, they will receive an email or a notice from the transport company indicating how to proceed to pick up the package.

If the delivery cannot be made and the order finally arrives returned to us, the user must bear the cost of reshipment. If the customer finally wants a refund of the order, the shipping costs will be deducted from the amount to be paid.

Shipping costs

The shipping costs are as follows:


  • Peninsula and Balearic Islands:
    • €4 for orders less than €15
    • €3 for orders from €15 to €30
    • €2 for orders from €30 to €50
    • Free for orders over €50
  • Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla:
    • €10. The shipment will be made by Post. Upon receipt of the shipment, the corresponding local taxes that may apply (IGIC, IPSI, AIEM,...) as well as possible customs duties that may be applicable must also be paid.


  • €6 for orders less than €50
  • Free for orders over €50
  • Shipping to Azores and Madeira: €15

Rest of Europe:

  • €6 to €10, depending on the country of destination.


All the prices of the products that are indicated through the website include VAT. However, these prices do not include the expenses corresponding to the shipment of the products, which are detailed separately and must be accepted by the user.


All products displayed on the Web are available. However, if for any reason a requested product is not available, it cannot be sold. In this case, the user is informed by email or by telephone of the total or partial cancellation of the order or of the possible substitution of a product.

Purchase protection security

ANTIPRESS does not store or manage your payment details. These data are processed directly by the payment gateway (BBVA or PayPal) and in a totally secure manner, with security certificates.

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